
Did you know? Over 1,000,000 people each year benefit from the 10,000+ registered therapy animal teams’ work‐ and many of them are Miniature horses!


Would you like take your Miniature to visit hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and schools as a registered therapy animal? Currently there are over 220 registered therapy Miniature horses nationwide that are helping people in their own communities. Research shows that positive interactions with animals increase endorphins, oxytocin, prolactin and dopamine, the hormones associated with blood pressure regulation, pain relief, stress relief and joy. Visits from therapy animal teams can normalize stays away from home for hospital patients, improve motivation to participate in treatment protocols and lessen worry, anxiety, unhappiness and pain.
Pet Partners provides step by step help for volunteers, animal owners and facilities that want to become involved in this popular new venue for Miniature horses. Check out the free webinars that are geared towards visits with your horse.
There are 4 steps to becoming a registered team:
Step 1:
Complete the Handler Course (in-person or online)

  • Attend an in-person 1-day workshop. Find an Instructor-led workshop in your state:
  • If there are no Instructors in your area, contact the Instructor nearest you and ask if they conduct workshops in your area, OR
  • Take the online Pet Partners Handler Course ($70 per individual): www.petpartners.org/onlinecourses

Step 2:
Animal Health Screening

Step 3:
Team Evaluation

  • Have you’re ‘Human-Animal’ team’s Skills & Aptitude evaluated (~$25-$30): www.petpartners.org/evaluation & www.petpartners.org/evaluator
  • Find an evaluator in your state (or nearby state): www.petpartners.org/directory
  • If there are no Evaluators in your area, contact the Evaluator nearest you and ask if they conduct workshops in your area.

Step 4:
Submit Your Registration Application

Ready to see if you and your horse are ready for therapy work?

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